A Small business owner recently contacted Host Tel to see if we could assist him with his spiralling telecommunications costs. The main cause of these costs was calls being transferred to his mobile as he was often working from home. The solution Host Tel presented was replacing the 5 handsets in client’s office and also connecting a new handset at the owner’s home office. As the Home office already had an ADSL2 connection we replaced the modem routers at both locations with Cisco routers, this has enabled us to setup a VPN between his 2 sites enabling him to have full access to the local network at his office and Voice communications between his office and home on an internal extension.
The feed back we have received from this client has been very positive “Host Tel has far exceeded my expectations, I was hoping to reduce the call charges to my mobile phone but I’ve ended up with remote office that works like I’m in the office. Thank You Host Tel you have raised the bar.”