Host Tel can be contacted on any of our listed numbers. We also have an extensive dealer network that is constantly expanding so if we don’t have an office near you we more than likely have someone who can help.
Telephone | Facsimile | |
Perth | (08) 9221 9999 | (08) 9221 3444 |
Sales | (08) 9200 8899 | (08) 9200 8822 |
Sydney | (02) 9223 9999 | (02) 8580 4477 |
Melbourne | (03) 8677 7777 | (03) 8648 6677 |
Brisbane | (07) 3337 9999 | (07) 3337 9977 |
Adelaide | (08) 8311 1111 | (08) 8311 1177 |
International | +61 8 9221 9999 | +61 7 3337 9977 |
Email enquiries
Support / National Activation Centre | |
Accounts Department | |
Sales Department | |
Social Media
@HostTel | |
HostTel |